Taught Courses
University of Washington, College of Engineering, Human Centered Design & Engineering
HCDE 308 Visual Communication
HCDE 310 Interactive Systems Design & Engineering
HCDE 318 Introduction To User-Centered Design
HCDE 410 Human Data Interaction
HCDE 411 Information Visualization
HCDE 438 Web Technologies
HCDE 439 Physical Computing
HCDE 440 Advanced Physical Computing
HCDE 451 User Experience Prototyping
HCDE 493 Senior Capstone
HCDE 511 Information Visualization
HCDE 524 Introduction to Programmg
HCDE 530 Computational Concepts in HCDE
HCDE 598 Engineering Methods (PhD)
HCDE 598 Special Topics: Internet of Things
INFX 562 Interactive Information Visualization
TECHIN 511 Physical Fabrication & Prototyping
Goldsmiths, University of London, Department of Computing
IS 51016 Audio Visual Computing
IS 52032 Data Journalism and Visualization
IS 52057 Databases, Networks & the Web
IS 53048 Information Visualization
IS 71013 Physical Computing
University College London, Institute of Education
Representing Ideas & Pedagogies – MSc in Learning Technology
Computational HCI
Royal College of Art, Department of Communication
MA Information Experience Design (IED)
DePaul University, School of CTI
HCI 471 Digital Page Formatting II (Information Architecture and Web Design)
ECT 441/HCI 441 Usability Issues for Electronic Commerce
Selected Publications
A constructionist learning environment for teachers to model learning designs D Laurillard, P Charlton, B Craft, D Dimakopoulos, D Ljubojevic, G Magoulas, et al. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, Issue: September (2011)
Directions for Methodological Research in Information Visualization Brock Craft, Paul Cairns 12th International Conference Information Visualisation 2008 IV 08 9 11 July 2008 London UK, (2008)
Do attractive things work better? An exploration of search tool visualisations Bejal Chawda, Brock Craft, Paul Cairns, Daniel Heesch, Stefan Rüger, B and Craft, B and Cairns, P. In: MacKinnon, L and Bertelsen, O and Bryan-Kinns, N, (eds.) (Proceedings) Human Computer Interaction. (pp. 46 – 51). Proceedings of 19th BCS Conference on Human Computer Interaction, Volume: 2 (2005) BCS Press.
From kinetic energy to climate change: Design of technology to link school science to personal energy consumption K., Craft, B., Luckin, R., Avramides Proc. of WWW2012 Conference, Emerging Web Technologies, Facing the Future of Education Workshop, (2012)
Image Presentation in Space and Time : Errors , Preferences and Eye-gaze Activity Bob Spence, Mark Witkowski, Catherine Fawcett, Brock Craft Most, (2004)
Internalization, qualitative methods, and evaluation S Faisal, B Craft, P Cairns, A Blandford Proceedings of the 2008 conference on BEyond time and errors novel evaLuation methods for Information Visualization, (2008)
Security needs and usability in grid e-science projects B. Craft, A. Sasse
Sketch-ins: a method for participatory design in Technology Enhanced Learning Brock Craft Handbook of Design in Educational Technology , (2012)
Sketching Interviews: A Method to Elicit Internal Representations for the Design of Learning Support Systems Brock Craft 16th International Conference of the Association for Learning Technology, Volume: 4, Issue: 1997 (2009)
Sketching Sketching : Outlines of a Collaborative Design Method Brock Craft, Paul Cairns People and Computers, (2009)
Software Supported Teacher-led Inquiry: Enhancing Innovation Through ‘Backoffice’ ICT” Craft B., Avramides, K., Luckin, R., Reimann, P. Association for Teacher Education in Europe Winter conference, 2102.
Supporting teachers in capturing and analyzing learning data in the technology-rich classroom Peter Reimann, Friedrich Hesse, Peter Freebody, Gabriele Cierniak, Barbara Wasson, Cecilie Hansen, et al. Proc ICLS 2012, (2102)
Task embedded visualisation: the design for an interactive IR results display for journalists S Attfield, A Blandford, B Craft Information Visualisation 2004 IV 2004 Proceedings Eighth International Conference on, (2004)
Using Sketching to Support Visualisation Design Brock Craft, Paul Cairns
Using the Learning Designer to develop a conceptual framework for linking learning design tools and systems M., Craft, B., Laurillard, D., Masterman, L. Bower Proceedings of the 6th International LAMS & Learning Design Conference, (2011)
We must encourage designers of interactive visualizations to explore design problems through sketching Brock Craft, Paul Cairns Proc. International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications , (1999)
Working with teenagers to design technology that supports learning about energy in informal contexts K. Avramides, B. Craft, R. Luckin, J.C. Read Proceedings of the International Conference of the Learning Sciences, (2012)
PhD Student Supervisions
Michaela French (in progress), “Light and the Experience of Wonder”
Yiyun Kang (in progress), “Experience Resolution In Digital Public Space: Design, Narrative, And Perception”
Jimmy Tidey (in progress), “Reframing space through projection: Studying mediated spatial experiences”
Invited Talks and Seminars
“Connecting the Physical and the Digital”
Art.on.Wires, 25 May 2011.
“Of Bits and Bikes” (Visualisation of Barclays Cycle Hire Scheme Data)
sameAs, 28 March 2011.
“Notes on Visual Representation”
Univ. Arts London, London College of Communication, MA in Information Environments, 4 Feb 2011.
“Prototyping for Learning Technologies”
Institute of Education, MSc in Learning Technologies, 1 Feb 2011.
“Representing Ideas and Pedagogies”
Institute of Education, MSc in Learning Technologies, 14 Dec 2010.
“Making and Hacking: Creating the Internet of Things” Metropolitan Works (London Metropolitan University), 8 December 2010.
“The Internet of Things” HyperIsland Seminar, 23 September 2010.
“TEL it to the People: Technology-Enhanced Learning and the Making and Hacking Communities”
University of Nottingham, Learning Sciences Research Institute, 8 June Oct 2010.Video here.
“Sketching and Design Thinking”
Cimex LLC, 7 December 2009.
“TEL it to the People: Technology-Enhanced Learning and the Making and Hacking Communities”
Open University Department of Computing, 21 Oct, 2009.
“Arduino Beginner’s Workshop“
tweak! festival, 22 September, 2009.
“Visualisation Design and Information Graphics”
Foviance LLC, 10 September, 2009.
“Prototyping Physical Computing with Arduino” Tutorial
BCS-HCI, 4 September, 2009.
“Investigating Technology Design With Qualitative Research Methods“
Open University “Practitioner research into aspects of teaching and learning” (PRATLe) Series, 28 February 2008.
“Sketching and Design for the User Experience”
UCL Human Centred Systems Group, 27 February 2008.
“Sketching the User Interface”
Imperial College London, 26/11/07, 22/11/08.
“Computer Generated Art with Context-Free Grammars”
London Knowledge Lab, 9 October 2007.
“Using Sketching to Support Visualisation Design”
UCL Interaction Center, 18 December 2006.
“Visualising Visualisations: Sketching and Design Methodology”
Open University Department of Computer Science, 17 May 2006.
“User Experiences with Security in e-Science Grids: Lessons & Opportunities”
(with Prof. M. Angela Sasse)
Oxford Internet Institute, 15 May 2006.
“Gamelan Playtime: an Interactive Installation at Royal Festival Hall”
Dorkbot London, November 2006.
Consultancy Clients
People’s Trust for Endangered Species
Institute of Zoology
UCL Department of Epidemiology
Johnson Controls
Honeywell Inc
Method, LLC
Exhibit Research, LLC
Michaela French
(PhD candidate)